Saturday, June 11, 2011


It sucks to be in love with a man who doesn't feel the intensity of love, just the mild flicker of affection.  Can I live with knowing he doesn't feel the same way about me?  Is it fair for an artist who feels the scope of emotions to want a layman to feel the same way toward her?  Is the mild flicker the best it's ever going to get for him?  Is this his equivalency of love?

I got approached by a guy on the dance floor, I thought he was into my gf.

I got approached by a guy who followed us out the door.  I thought he was into my gf.

So yeah.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Nerd lover...and curious

I accept that I have a preference for a guy who doesn't have good game, has the drive to be intellectually better than his peers and may engage in activities that require more mental reflection.  But does this kind of guy produce a certain kind of child?  Would they be into the things that I don't have any interest cosplay or manga or 12 sided dice?  I'm curious.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Feeling low about myself

PUG: who wouldn't be lucky to have you??  seriously!
you're absolutely gorgeous
you've very intelligent
wonderful, quirky personality (fun)
very sexual/kinky
want me to go on?
me:  yeah

PUG you are, in many respects, my ideal woman and i really think anyone lucky enough to have you should make sure you know it every day
you are the woman that all others should be compared against as something to strive to be
and i'm not waxing hyperbole here


Today I told Mord that I love him.  I plan on telling him that more though I know he will not say it back.  Why would I do a crazy thing like that?  The fact is, i'm plenty uncomfortable saying it, but I also am more uncomfortable with the fact that I hide myself.  I hide my deep emotions and for good reason.  But if I can't declare myself to my best friends, I might as well not have them in my life.  Mord may not love me the way that I love him.  However, telling him that I love him regardless of his emotional status, is my selfish way of insisting that I'm going to not hide from the truth.