"Cultivate an interest in a person, and by extension their interests. If I like the person, there is often an excellent chance I will enjoy at least some of their pastimes. Then, sometimes it's just my interest in the person that makes the activity engaging but it has let me to a fairly wide variety of short term hobbies at least. Perhaps people are my hobby. "- The only person who inspires this much hatred in me.
Loathing is a strange thing. I have hated a few people who have done nothing to me...but they invoke a primal reaction within me that raises my hackles. My body winces at the instinct to get into a fighting stance at the mere mention of their name. And oh lord, this woman does it. I hate her with a passion that burns my chest. Once I thought she was gone from my guild, I figured that I was safe from this tension but she returns again. She inspires this much hatred because when she uses her status as a woman to forward her agenda, to tease and then dump, her actions reflect negatively onto me as a teaser as some people have a problem distinguishing intentions by playful people.
This inspired my bad haiku:
Disrespecting tease
Your wit and charms are lost here
Grammar nitpicker
I really dislike her.