Friday, July 11, 2008

This is what happens when I don't play WoW.

If you have daughters, tell them to RUN if they should see this boy.

10. Lied about attending SUNY Binghamton...he attended SUNY New Paltz. What?

9. Wouldn't specify where in Queens he lived when I asked directly...he mumbled "Queens". Hell, it's freaking Astoria which I heard when he asked a cab driver. Nothing to be ashamed of. I told him where I was from because we were right there in my neighborhood.

8. Did I mention he was groping me the whole time? I had to punch him on the arm more than once to get him to stop.

7. Walking down the street to walk him to the train station, he tries to wrap his arm around me from behind and kiss my ear. He sucks at my eardrum which HURTS. No apology. And it STILL HURTS.

6. I'm 5'5", he's 6'5". I was way stronger than him when I wrestled out of his grip more than a few times. *Smirk*

5. He asked me twice when I came to the States. Had already told him twice that I was born here. Thrice he asked me where my parents lived. that so hard to remember? I don't think he ever let me finish a sentence.

4. Within the first hour of meeting, he asked if he could stay over for a nice home-cooked meal and for the night.

3. Since he allegedly broke his phone on the subway platform on the way to meet me, I bought him a first round and was about to call it a night. No mention of gratitude.

2. He insisted on a second round along with Jack Daniel shots. Then he threw down a 20 after slowly slowly slowly drawing out his wallet and was about to walk away. I had to stop him and tell him to ask for the tab from the bartender which then he looked at me blankly. Being so eager to get away, I get the bartender to get the tab for us which then he sneakily hides his 20 right back into his wallet. I look around for the 20 which then he looks around at anywhere BUT me so I give him my STARE OF DEATH for 2 minutes straight which then he feebly jokes about "if looks could kill". I motion to walk away to leave him with the tab. He draws out that wallet again and threw down the 20. The tab was 21. I wanted to make my getaway so instead of arguing, I just paid the difference.

1. While he was trying to get salacious with my neck, he was whispering over and over about how he plays to WIN (win at what?) and that with World of Warcraft, I wouldn't need that shit anymore. That if I were his gf, he wouldn't ever let me play. LOSER.

At least I have a story :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I got my bear mount this Sunday after a quickie raid of Archimonde and Gorefiend.

Tank: Me (pally tank),druid tank

Healer: pally healer, holy priest

DPS: hunter, mage, rogue, elemental shaman, warlock, dps warrior

This ZA brought out the worst in me. Based on past PUG runs where we were able to get the fourth chest, I was convinced that 2 healers are the way to go. It puts a tremendous strain on them but with the extra DPS, it makes the run so much faster. So I pouted my way into a better group dynamic. "Do it this way or I'm out".

On the way to the bear, at the gate, Soothing Animal DOES shave off seconds so I sighed my way to convincing the druid to do it my way and practically screamed for everyone to get a move on.

In short, we slaughtered every boss, my inner tension building with every death or stupid pull made by jumping the hut windows and the hunter not dismissing his pet. I run out of mana and I can feel the seconds squeezing by in the hourglass as I drink. Yet I would still run in to the invisible lynxes with 18% mana...shrug.

We had 5 minutes for the last boss and as flustered as I felt, we owned it with one minute remaining. We rolled and I won with a 93. Have to say I'm in love with my bear mount.

However, I was relieved to hear that people enjoyed themselves tremendously, even though I acted with tiny temper tantrums. :P One raider who was truly pissed that our 25 man raid ended early, said this was the most fun he's had in a long time. Definitely pleased.

Basic suggestions:
1. Roll Need if you want an item for an UG to save time. However, in the beginning of ZA, remind people to have 4 bag slots open or more. One of the warriors lost his UG because his bags were probably full and didn't notice it until the end of the 4th chest.

2. Take all consumables as if it's a 25 man progression raid.

3. The kill order (ex. Eagle Boss, Bear Boss, Dragonhawk, then Lynx) is a good thing to lay out for the entire raid ahead of time.

4. Remind people to mount up often.

5. If you're a pally tank, heal thyself and often. No need to put more strain on the healers when you got abilities too.

6. Get someone to test ambient sound ahead of time for the Eagle boss.

7. Use your Save Mes! It's a short run.

8. MC is your friend. Shadow priest should have more than enough spell hit for it to last and last. But be sure to hover with a BOP when it breaks.

Axe Thrower: Axe Volley - Tosses axes at targets between 8-40 yards. Hits a bunch of targets for between 2000-3500 damage very quickly.

Flame Caster: Haste - Increases spell cast speed by 300%. Fire Volley - You know it and you hate it. With the haste buff up this can do ~2500 damage to everything nearby every .4 seconds or so. Devastating.

Medicine man: I don't think you can use his immunity or healing totems, but he's got a powerful chain heal (up to 7500 on the first bounce) and a lightning bolt single target hit.

Trainer: Incite Frenzy - increases attack speed of a feral druid or possibly hunter pet by 200%.

9. Let the pally tank's consecrate tick at least once.

10. Be flexible and forgiving about aggro. They have a repair bill to worry about afterwards.

11. Soothe Animal is great. Make sure your druid knows what it even looks like.

12. Jumping huts is a skill that some will fuck up. But don't let hunters jump without a reminder to dismiss their pets. And don't let people whine about their races being too big; everyone fits.

13. If multiple mobs are on a pally tank, the warrior tank or druid tank should not be pulling off a mob but instead, dpsing as hard as possible as it leaves the healers one person to heal rather than two.

14. Like the MC abilities, research your trash mobs.